9 Impressive features of the Lightning system
14 AprA complete installation of Humphree Fin Stabilizers and Interceptors by MS Yachting.
14 AprCamber Marine – Improving conditions for people at sea
17 MarVisit Humphree at Palm Beach International Boat Show
07 FebStabilizing Your Boat: FAQ
26 JanMBY: Lightning By Humphree moves the game on
23 Jan5 benefits of using boat stabilizers
20 DecHelena Lennerstedt appointed CEO of Humphree
24 NovLightning by Humphree at IBEX
22 NovHumphree comfort and performance for Bluegame 54, Open beach
21 OctGulf Craft Majesty 160 equipped with Quad Humphree Stabilizing Fins
20 OctHunt has launched its new Ocean 68 Flybridge yacht.
20 OctWindy SR44 SX Sport Cruiser. Equipped with Humphree Interceptors.
20 OctHumphree Fin and Interceptor refit for Van der Valk yacht
23 SepInternational kick off for Lightning by Humphree
12 AugAzimut Yacht got stabilized
13 JunFairline Boats offers Humphree Interceptors as factory option
10 JunHumphree Stabilization Systems – a wise choice for fast, high-planing vessels
10 JunUpgrading a beautiful 64′ Viking Yacht with Humphree Interceptors
17 MayHumphree Academy. Advanced Technical Training in Gothenburg.